Padgett's Messages

The Padgett Messages Undated plus a list of errors in dating

While every effort has been made to assign dates to the messages originally published, it proved impossible to find all of them in the diary that James Padgett kept. Hopefully when the scanning of the originals has been completed, these can take their place in the chronological sequence.

Anyone who likes a challenge is most welcome to try and match these, using the tablet, and forward any new matchings via the contact form.

The insertion of a page number indicates that I have recently, in 2009, tried to date match this record, but not succeeded. These page numbers are based on the earlier editions published by FCNB and not the 2014 editions that I have published.

Undated but published messages.

Author Message Page Volume
S.B.C. His beliefs were merely intellectual. After awhile became skeptical. 177 Vol 1
Helen Padgett How wonderful it is to obtain possession of the Divine Love. 149 Vol 2
G. H. falsity of Jesus’ blood - personal experience - sufferings - divine love - third sphere 147 Vol 2
Emmanuel Swedenborg A message of encouragement. 210 Vol 2
Helen Padgett A short note by Helen. 280 Vol 2
Jesus Jesus is anxious to explain the truth and correct the untruth as it is known. Duplicate of a message on page 207 23 Vol 3
Helen Padgett Helen tells of her love for Mr. Padgett. 109 Vol 3
Helen Padgett Helen writes that as his soulmate, her love for him is greater than for her children, who will not need her in the great future of eternity. 163 Vol 3
Helen Padgett Helen responds to Mr. Padgett’s call to write. 193 Vol 3
John St. John writes that Mr. Padgett is very near the Father in His Love and not to doubt that the Master is not with him. 215 Vol 3
Helen Padgett Helen wonders about the many beautiful spirits that are around him at times. 232 Vol 3
Andrew Johnson An ex-president is still in darkness due to some earth desires. 246 Vol 3
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins writes on the great love of Jesus for him and his work of greatest importance. 269 Vol 3
Helen Padgett Helen writes of the great love of Jesus for him and the interest he has in both material and spiritual work. 270 Vol 3
Sarah Wilson Sarah J. Wilson, an abortionist, realizes only too late the great wrong she performed on earth and is seeking help. 339 Vol 3
Bill Tucker Tucker claims to have been bad when on earth, is trying to get out of darkness. 340 Vol 3
Solomon Brown A wandering spirit is looking for help as he is more or less lost. 341 Vol 3
Samuel Williams Samuel Williams is seeking help because on earth he made many animals to suffer. 341 Vol 3
Julius Soloman Julius Soloman is in darkness and is seeking help. 342 Vol 3
Louisa Connell Louisa R. Connell had a theatrical career and is in darkness with others of the same profession. 343 Vol 3
Joseph Godfrey A grateful spirit writes to thank Mr. Padgett for the help, he had received from him. 345 Vol 3
Stephen B Elkins Stephen B. Elkins is in a condition of darkness and suffering, is asking Mr. Padgett for help. 354 Vol 3
Helen Padgett Helen, by this message, admits that she is not always present when Mr. Padgett receives communications. 354 Vol 3
Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson does not believe in the Divine Love; his home is in the Sixth Sphere. 357 Vol 3
Helen Padgett Helen says that spirits that wanted to write were stopped by his Indian guide because Mr. Padgett was too tired. 367 Vol 3
James St. James is helping Dr. Leslie R. Stone with his spiritual progression and is with him a great deal. 385 Vol 3
Priscilla Stone Priscilla Stone is very happy to hear them discuss the Divine Love of the Father. 49 Vol 4
William Stone William Stone, father of Leslie, explains conditions of those that are suddenly forced into the spirit world as a result of war, and the great effort to contact his children on earth. 51 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary answers the call of her soulmate, Leslie. 55 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary Kennedy describes the difference between the soulmate love and the mother’s love for her son. 57 Vol 4
Kate Stone Kate Stone and family always respond when the call comes that Leslie needs help. 67 Vol 4
Priscilla Stone Dr. Stone’s mother, Priscilla Stone, is very happy to see the inflowing of Divine Love into Leslie’s soul and sorry that she cannot reach her other children on earth. 70 Vol 4
Leslie Winfield Dr. Stone’s mother helped her grandfather to progress out of darkness. 74 Vol 4
Priscilla Stone Priscilla Stone praises the work of both Mr. Padgett and her son, Leslie R. Stone, and thanks the Heavenly Father for bringing her son to the knowledge of this Love. 75 Vol 4
Priscilla Stone Priscilla Stone writes about the beautiful spirits present tonight in such great numbers that no dark spirit could stand to be present in the same atmosphere. 76 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary writes that she is both hungry and thirsty for Dr. Stone’s love. 79 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary Kennedy writes that Celestial Spirits are proud to know Dr. Stone. 80 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary Kennedy has progressed into the same sphere that is inhabited by Mrs. Helen Padgett. 81 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary wants her soulmate, Leslie, to know that she is progressing and is now beyond the Third Celestial Sphere. 83 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says that Leslie is the other part of her, and will surely unite with her when he comes to the spirit world. 86 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says what a great privilege it is that only Mr. Padgett, Leslie and Mr. Morgan at the time can make known the Truth of the Father. 94 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says that the soulmate love is only surpassed by the Divine Love of the Father. 96 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary writes that the soulmate love increases as the Divine Love increases. 97 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says that we spirit soulmates do not make other engagements when we can be with our soulmates on earth. 100 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says that the visit that Leslie made into the spirit world was one of the happiest nights of her life. 101 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says that if she were a mortal she would rather possess the power to help spirits that needed help than the riches of the richest man in the world. 102 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says that the same Love that has filled her soul and made her an Angel of Light is flowing into Leslie’s soul. 103 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary says that they are able to reach many spirits as a result of his talks that otherwise could not be reached. 104 Vol 4
Priscilla Stone Priscilla Stone is happy to see the Love of the Father come into his soul. 104 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary Kennedy tells of her great love for her soulmate, Leslie, in an early message. 109 Vol 4
Helen Padgett Helen came to her husband’s call. 132 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary wrote through Eugene Morgan, selected by Jesus, like Mr. Padgett and Dr. Stone, to work in behalf of the Kingdom, and urges her soulmate, Leslie, to continue in this work. 132 Vol 4
Helen Padgett Helen insists that Mr. Padgett stop writing. 210 Vol 4
Priscilla Stone Leslie’s mother wants him to know that she prays for his good health and is happy to see him feeling better after his vacation. 213 Vol 4
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins: Jesus is the Christ of God. 222 Vol 4
Helen Padgett A message from Helen. 233 Vol 4
Anonymous A wicked woman tells of her many deeds that took many lives while working as a nurse. 257 Vol 4
Kate Sprague Kate Sprague: A spirit who lived for the development of mind while on earth now realizes the importance of love. 260 Vol 4
W___ W____: All of the dogmas, creeds and apostolic succession in the world cannot bestow upon the souls of men the love or mercy of the Father.(This message is duplicated in Vol II pg 47) 262 Vol 4
R.F. A woman writes of her need for help: She is in a condition of darkness and suffering. 264 Vol 4
J___ Spirit who found he did not have his soul developed when he passed over. 265 Vol 4
J.W. A dark and suffering spirit comes to Mr. Padgett for help. 273 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary writes that she will try to change the atmosphere after the depressing spirit that just left. And she is grateful to God that she does not have to work in the lower planes. 278 Vol 4
Mary Kennedy Mary is so glad that Leslie is doing such a glorious work in helping the dark spirits to come out of the darkness, by telling them the Truth. 280 Vol 4
Helen Padgett Helen is overjoyed with the conversation and discussion between Dr. Stone and Mr. Padgett. 282 Vol 4
Red Fox Red Fox belongs to Eugene Morgan’s spiritual band. 284 Vol 4
Edward Sovellard Sovellard, a dark spirit, is also seeking Mr. Padgett’s help to get out of darkness. 298 Vol 4
Joseph Salyards Salyards has progressed to the extent that he is now a helper in leading other dark spirits into the light. 301 Vol 4
White Eagle White Eagle, a guide, gives Mr. Padgett healing treatments whenever he needs it after a long writing. 306 Vol 4
Nathan Plummer Old friend of Mr. Padgett and Dr. Stone tells how happy he now is, thanks to the Father’s Divine Love in his soul. 321 Vol 4
Dr Arbelee Dr. Arbelee wrote through Eugene Morgan that he is realizing what Dr. Stone had told him, when he was on earth. 328 Vol 4
Nathan Plummer Nathan Plummer is grateful to Dr. Stone for his work in saving his soul. 333 Vol 4
Nathan Plummer Nathan Plummer writes about his progress from darkness. 333 Vol 4
William Stone William Stone, father of the Dr. confirms the condition of the spirit that just wrote. 339 Vol 4
Anonymous Unknown writer tried to explain what profit it a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? 347 Vol 4
Helen Padgett Helen confirms the unknown writer. 348 Vol 4
Minnie Eugene Morgan’s cousin is grateful to him for all the spiritual guidance she received when on earth to enable her to progress to the seventh sphere in the spirit world. 357 Vol 4
Ben Robinson A sailor needs help, described his travels in the Seas of Darkness, with his mates, and recalls what he did on earth. 378 Vol 4

Published Messages where dates have changed

The original date matching process was inexact as we did not have access to the original scanned documents. With the release of this archive, some dates will change. As many books have already been published with attached dates on the messages, this table should make it easy to discover what has changed.

Source Message Incorrect date Revised date Reason
Luke Vol 1 pg 50 no date in book No date April 17th, 1922 Archive
Jesus Vol 2 pg 118 Error in book only pg 127 September 12th, 1917 September 12th, 1915 Archive
John Vol 2 pg 382 Error in book pg 415 August 17th, 1915 December 19th, 1915 Archive
Jesus Vol 2 pg 187 Error in book only pg 206 September 19th, 1918 September 19th, 1915 Index
Helen Vol 3 pg 25 Error in print book pg 29 April 3rd, 1914 April 3rd, 1915 Index
John Vol 3 pg 279 New book pg 325 January 19th, 1917 March 7th 1916 Archive