True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 2

This is an index of this publication, which is published by the Foundation Church of the New Birth, Inc. P.O. Box 6, Williamsville, NY 14231. This was first published in about 1950. This is in the physical order of the book (page number sequence). A new physical publication has a different page numbers. The same publication is available as a download.

Author Contents Date of Message Page
James Padgett The Testimony of James E Padgett   II
Dr Samuels Introduction   IV
Jesus Jesus wants the world to follow his teachings 12-Sept-1914 1
Helen Padgett Helen confirms that Jesus wrote. 12-Sept-1914 1
John Padgett A short note from Mr. Padgett’s Father. 12-Sept-1914 1
Ann Rollins A note of encouragement from Ann Rollins. 12-Sept-1914 2
Jesus Jesus is not God, but was sent by the Father to lead men to His favor and Love. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. 24-Sept-1914 2
John Padgett A confirmatory note from Padgett’s father. 24-Sept-1914 4
Ann Rollins And Ann Rollins… 24-Sept-1914 4
Helen And Helen… 24-Sept-1914 4
Ann Padgett And his mother… 24-Sept-1914 4
Jesus Divine Love is reaching out to every man. 29-Sept-1914 4
Helen Mrs. Helen Padgett’s experience in leaving her body and going to the spirit world. 9-Dec-1914 5
Helen A short note from Helen. 12-Dec-1914 8
Ann Rollins The importance of getting the Divine Love in the soul. 12-Dec-1914 8
Helen Padgett And Helen affirms… 12-Dec-1914 10
A. G. Riddle Spirit’s experience after writing through Mr. Padgett. Obtained the Divine Love and made his progress into the Third Sphere. 20-Jan-1915 10
Helen Padgett Mrs. Helen Padgett describes the method used to communicate her thoughts through Mr. Padgett. 8-Dec-1914 14
Jesus Jesus giving Mr. Padgett advice as to prayer and worship. Says he has selected Mr. Padgett to do this work. (This message is duplicated in Vol I pg 368) 25-Dec-1914 16
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins affirms that Jesus wrote. 25-Dec-1914 17
Helen Padgett And so does Helen. 25-Dec-1914 18
A. G. Riddle G. R. continues describing his progress. 20-Feb-1915 18
Jesus Jesus - On the love of man. 4-Mar-1915 21
Jesus Personal message to Mr. Padgett from Jesus. 12-Jan-1915 23
Ann Padgett Exhortation from Mr. Padgett’s mother. 5-Oct-1914 24
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins’ experience in progressing from the third sphere into the Celestial Heavens. 5-Mar-1915 24
Helen Padgett Helen writes on the Law of Compensation. 23-Mar-1915 28
Helen Padgett Helen describes her home in third sphere. 30-Nov-1914 29
Jesus Jesus - The power of Love to redeem men from sin and error. 6-Mar-1915 33
Jesus What Jesus meant when he said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” 9-Mar-1915 34
Helen Padgett Helen describes her home in the Celestial Spheres. 10-Mar-1915 37
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins corroborates Helen’s experience and tells of the happiness of spirits in the Celestial Spheres. 10-Mar-1915 39
Helen Padgett Helen’s experience in trying to show a spirit the way to God’s Love. 17-Mar-1915 42
Jesus Jesus assures that he himself is writing and refers to a spirit who claims he has lost his soul. 3-Apr-1915 43
Helen Padgett Helen comments on the preceding message and confirms Jesus’ identity. 3-Apr-1915 44
Ann Rollins Affirming Jesus writes through Mr. Padgett, and no imposters. 5-Apr-1915 45
Jesus Jesus - The result of Mr. Padgett’s declaration. 6-Apr-1915 46
W___ Help given to a spirit.   47
Jesus Personal message. Holy Ghost not God. Jesus still doing the Father’s work. 9-Apr-1915 49
Prof Salyards Laws of the spirit world. 13-Apr-1915 50
Helen Padgett Helen comments on Mr. Padgett’s fatigue. 13-Apr-1915 56
Prof Salyards Laws of the spirit world continued. 3-May-1915 56
Ann Rollins Mr. Padgett’s grandmother describes her home in the Second Celestial Sphere. 13-Apr-1915 60
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins’ experience in seeking the Divine Love of God. 13-May-1915 61
Jesus Jesus: His description by Ann Rollins is correct. 13-May-1915 64
Jesus Jesus: The real truth of the life on earth, and what it means to mortals. 25-May-1915 64
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins comments on the message Jesus wrote Mr. Padgett. 25-May-1915 67
Jesus Jesus - The meaning of immortality. 28-May-1915 68
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins corroborates that Jesus wrote on immortality. 28-May-1915 72
Saleeba Saleeba, ancient spirit of the sixth sphere, seeking help. 2-Jun-1915 72
Jesus Jesus - Many of the ancient spirits are not in the Celestial Heavens. 2-Jun-1915 75
Saleeba Saleeba descended to the third sphere to develop her soul. 26-Oct-1915 77
Saleeba Saleeba progressing and soon will be above the third sphere. 5-Jul-1915 78
Saleeba Saleeba progressing to the Celestial Spheres. 8-Oct-1915 79
Saleeba Saleeba reports her progress in obtaining the Divine Love. 16-Oct-1915 79
Jesus Jesus recognizes Mr. Padgett’s grandmother’s capability in writing the Truths of the Father. (Duplicate of a message in Vol I pg 343.) 5-Jun-1915 80
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins describes several spheres and the different kinds of spirits inhabiting them. 5-Jun-1915 80
Jesus Why men must receive this Divine Love in order to be admitted to the Celestial Kingdom. 4-Jun-1915 85
Helen Padgett Helen comments on Jesus’ important message. 4-Jun-1915 88
Jesus Jesus - Why men should believe he is the true Jesus, and why he writes through Mr. Padgett. 15-Jun-1915 88
Helen Padgett Helen expresses Jesus’ disappointment that he could not deliver a message. 15-Jun-1915 89
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins’ experience in the Second Celestial Sphere. 8-Jul-1915 90
Jesus Jesus - The efforts of spirits to show men the Truths of the Father. 8-Jul-1915 93
John St. John - Divine Love should not be confounded with the natural love. 8-Jul-1915 94
Jesus Jesus affirms that Henry Ward Beecher wrote the message on “Immortality.” 6-Jul-1915 95
Andrew Confirmation by St. Andrew that Jesus writes through Mr. Padgett. 17-Jul-1915 96
Peter Confirmation by St. Peter. 17-Jul-1915 97
John Confirmation by St. John. 17-Jul-1915 98
James Confirmation by St. James. 17-Jul-1915 98
St Jerome Confirmation by St. Jerome. 17-Jul-1915 99
St Anthony Confirmation by St. Antony. 17-Jul-1915 99
Helen Padgett Confirmation by Helen. 17-Jul-1915 100
St Stephen Confirmation by St. Stephen that Mr. Padgett is chosen to do the work. 17-Jul-1915 100
St Thomas Confirmation by St. Thomas. 18-Jul-1915 101
St Barnabas Confirmation by St. Barnabas that Mr. Padgett is selected by the Master. 18-Jul-1915 102
Riddle Confirmation by A. G. Riddle that the Master and Apostles have communicated. 18-Jul-1915 102
Luke Luke Gives His Testimony. 18-Jul-1915 102
John Wesley Confirmation by John Wesley. 18-Jul-1915 103
Ann Rollins Confirmation by Ann Rollins, amazed at the great assurance given to Mr. Padgett. 18-Jul-1915 104
Helen Padgett Helen is very happy that great spirits have confirmed Mr. Padgett’s selection. 18-Jul-1915 105
Paul St. Paul explains his thorn in the flesh, his experience on the way to Damascus. 27-Jun-1915 105
John St. John corroborates that Jesus writes through Mr. Padgett. 27-Jun-1915 107
Soloman Solomon’s position in the Celestial Spheres. 27-Jun-1915 108
Helen Padgett Helen refers to John and Paul and Solomon writing. 28-Jun-1915 108
John the Baptist John the Baptist - The time is now ripe for the Truths to be made known so that mankind can be redeemed from the false beliefs. 7-Sep-1915 109
Carroll John B. Carroll - Mr. Padgett must believe in Jesus as a Saviour but not through the vicarious atonement 8-Oct-1915 111
Nicodemus Nicodemus - On the importance of the New Birth. 30-Jul-1915 111
John John gives encouragement to Mr. Padgett - The wonderful love the Master has for him. 20-Jul-1920 112
John John comments on the beliefs of the preacher (early message). 29-Aug-1915 113
John John - Importance of prayer so that the soul can be developed and works will follow. 5-Oct-1915 114
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins - The blood of Jesus does not save from sin. 15-Sep-1915 115
Saul Saul - Advice to his people, the Jews. 1-Jun-1917 116
Samuel Samuel gives his experience in the sixth Sphere and his progress to the Celestial Kingdom. 5-Aug-1915 116
Jesus Jesus denies that he is God, or that his blood washes away men’s sins. 12-Sep-1915 118
Aman Aman, first parent, reveals his temptation and fall. 29-Aug-1915 120
Amon Amon, mother of all human creation, gives her experience. Her temptation and disobedience. 30-Aug-1915 121
Aman Aman makes a correction. 30-Aug-1915 123
John John affirms that Aman and Amon, the First Parents, actually communicated through Mr. Padgett. 30-Aug-1915 123
Helen Padgett Helen refers to Jesus’ Love for Mr. Padgett. Affirms that Amon wrote about the creation of the first parents. 30-Aug-1915 125
Josephus Josephus - Creation of the first parents. Difference in their qualities, equal in their relationship to God. 3-Jun-1916 125
John John - What should a man do who is not satisfied with any of the churches. 19-Oct-1916 128
St Augustine St. Augustine says that many of the teachings of the Bible cannot be relied upon. 7-Aug-1915 129
John John - Efficacy of faith in God. 26-Sep-1915 131
Peter Saint Peter gives advice to pray. 8-Aug-1915 132
Josephus Josephus affirms that Jesus is a true son of God, and lived on earth and was crucified. 8-Aug-1915 132
Jesus Jesus - What it is that makes a man Divine? 15-Mar-1916 134
St Stephen St. Stephen affirms that Jesus wrote. 15-Mar-1916 135
Josephus Josephus affirms that Jesus lived in Palestine at the time he wrote of him. 20-Sep-1915 136
Jesus Advice given by Jesus in attending church service. Jesus was present with Mr. Padgett. 29-Aug-1915 136
Francis Bacon The continuity of life after death. 26-May-1919 137
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that Francis Bacon wrote on the continuity of life after death. 26-May-1919 140
John John explains the difference between the natural love and the Divine Love. 19-Feb-1919 141
Mary Mary writes that Jesus was the natural son of Joseph and Mary. 15-Apr-1916 142
John John affirms that Mary the mother of Jesus wrote. 16-Apr-1916 143
Saul Saul affirms that Mary the mother of Jesus wrote. 15-Apr-1916 144
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that John, Saul and Mary wrote. 15-Apr-1916 145
John the Baptist Jesus was the true Messiah and the true Christ as he taught when on earth. 20-Apr-1916 145
Samuel B. Southard Spirit who believed in the creeds and his awakening to the truth after he met Jesus. 30-Aug-1915 146
G.H G. H. gives his experience and how his old beliefs in the creeds retarded his progress. Affirms that Mr. Padgett was selected by Jesus to receive the messages.   147
Helen Padgett How wonderful it is to obtain possession of the Divine Love.   149
Jesus Jesus states that his disciples never wrote many false doctrines in the Bible attributed to him. 5-Sept-1915 149
John Not the blood of Jesus but the Divine Love is what saves and redeems. Revelation of the Bible is not to be relied upon as true in many particulars. 7-Sep-1915 150
Helen Padgett The epistles in the Bible are not the same that the Apostles wrote. Very little in the Bible explaining the New Birth. 29-Oct-1918 152
Peter St. Peter on forgiveness of sin. 29-Nov-1918 153
Jesus The wonderful power that may come to Mr. Padgett if he will only have sufficient faith. 26-Sept-1915 154
Helen Padgett Helen: Jesus showed his glory. 26-Sept-1915 155
John Affirming that Jesus showed his glory, power and authority when writing through Mr. Padgett, and the wonderful blessings and faith that may come to him. 27-Sep-1915 156
Riddle A. G. Riddle in a condition of wonderment after seeing Jesus showing such brightness and power. 27-Sep-1915 157
Ann Rollins Mr. Padgett’s grandmother affirms that Jesus wrote and showed his glory and power. 27-Sep-1915 158
Ingersoll R. G. Ingersoll was present when Jesus wrote and showed his glory. Agnostic no longer - a most repentant believer now. 27-Sep-1915 159
Helen Padgett Helen Affirms that Jesus wrote and showed his glory and selected Mr. Padgett to do the work in receiving the messages. 2-Dec-1915 161
John the Baptist John the Baptist affirms that Jesus wrote. 30-Dec-1915 161
James St. James says that Mr. Padgett will soon get relief from worry. 31-Oct-1916 162
Luke St. Luke gives assurance that relief will soon come to Mr. Padgett. 30-Sep-1915 162
John Mr. Padgett is in special care of the Master. 30-Sep-1915 162
Barnabas Barnabas says Mr. Padgett is the favorite of the Master on earth. 30-Sep-1915 163
John Wesley John Wesley’s affirmation. 30-Sep-1915 163
John Garner Garner, the preacher, gives encouragement. 30-Sep-1915 163
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett refers to the many consolatory messages received. 30-Sep-1915 164
Martin Luther Luther - What man should believe in trying the spirits. 19-Oct-1915 164
Luke Luke asserts that the Gospel in the Bible is not the one as he wrote it. 5-Sep-1915 166
Ann Rollins The blood of Jesus does not save from sin. (Duplicate of message on page 115, Vol 2) 5-Sep-1915 167
Martin Luther Martin Luther on religious ceremonies. 29-Jun-1916 167
Martin Luther Luther denies the vicarious atonement, etc. Bible full of contradictions and errors. 5-Sep-1915 169
Martin Luther Luther denies the efficacy of the eucharist to save man. The bible is full of contradictions and error. 31-Jan-1917 170
Mrs Baker Eddy Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy’s testimony. 17-Dec-1916 171
Jesus Some of the doctrines of Christian Science are untrue. 2-Jan-1917 171
Helen Padgett Helen - the Master wrote and was anxious that Mr. Padgett should comprehend his message and its importance. 2-Jan-1917 174
John Comeys Spirits’ experience when entering the spirit world and their progress 22-Dec-1915 174
Joseph Salyards Who and what is God. 21-Nov-1915 176
Jesus The personality of God. 22-Nov-1915 178
Luke Who and what is God. 22-Nov-1915 179
Stephen God can see and hear and know what the thoughts of men are. 21-Nov-1915 181
Robert Colyer Colyer the preacher gives his beliefs; denies the trinity. 5-Aug-1915 181
John Denies the vicarious atonement. If men would have faith like the Apostles, healing and so-called miracles would exist today. 12-Sep-1915 182
John Celestials must work until the Celestial Kingdom will be closed. (Duplicate of message in Vol 1 pg 154 and Vol IV pg 13) 15-Mar-1917 184
John Divine Love is ever waiting to fill the soul, and will, when the soul longings become real for its possession. 11-Jul-1917 185
Jesus Jesus says those who worship him as they do in the churches commit blasphemy. 6-May-1917 186
Helen Padgett Words of encouragement. 6-May-1917 186
Lazarus Lazarus says he was not dead when he was raised by Jesus. Confirms that Jesus writes through Mr. Padgett. 5-Aug-1915 187
Jesus Jesus says his blood does not save men. Only the Divine Love or New Birth that he taught saves and redeems. 19-Sept-1915 187
Andrew Divine Love casteth out all fear. 17-Sep-1915 188
Paul Denies the efficacy of the vicarious atonement. God was never a god of wrath but always of love. 20-Aug-1915 189
Mrs Baker Eddy Did not know the truth that has been revealed in the messages that Padgett has received. 13-Jun-1918 191
Helen Padgett Helen affirms Mrs. Eddy’s message. 13-Jun-1918 191
Jesus Some of the errors and deficiencies of Christian Science. 9-Jul-1916 192
Jesus God and His personality. 7-Apr-1919 192
Jesus Jesus comments on the discourse of the preacher on God. 8-Apr-1919 197
Thomas Munroe Thomas B. Monroe comments on the preacher’s discourse. 8-Apr-1919 198
Helen Padgett Helen comments on the preacher’s sermon. 9-Apr-1919 198
Alexander Campbell Alexander Campbell did not understand the plan of man’s salvation when on earth. 28-Oct-1915 198
Judas What men must do to see God and realize that He is a Personal God, with all the attributes that belong only to a Supreme, Infinite Being. 21-Mar-1922 199
Jesus Jesus approving and emphasizing what Judas has written. 21-Mar-1922 200
Jesus The importance of man cultivating the soul perceptions. Spiritual things cannot be perceived by the material mind. 25-Oct-1915 200
Jesus Jesus showed his great glory and gave his love to Mr. Padgett 14-Dec-1915 202
John Wesley Great love of Jesus for Mr. Padgett. John Wesley said the glory and power was so wonderful they knelt in awe. 14-Dec-1915 203
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins affirms Jesus’ love for Mr. Padgett. The wonderful experience - all were surprised at the display of his glory 14-Dec-1915 203
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that the great love of Jesus was bestowed on her husband. She was filled with awe 14-Dec-1915 204
Mark Confirmation by St. Mark that the Master is doing the great work through Mr. Padgett. 20-Jul-1915 204
John The condition of the soul when and after the Divine Love flows into it. 19-Jun-1916 205
Ann Rollins The belief in the unpardonable sin is slanderous and blasphemous against the Loving Father. 1-Nov-1915 206
Jesus The Holy Spirit is not God. No unpardonable sin. 6-Jun-1915 207
Luke No unpardonable sin as taught by the preacher. 31-Oct-1915 208
Chas Latham Latham corroborates St. Luke’s message on the “unpardonable sin”. 31-Oct-1915 209
Paul Paul denies unpardonable sin. 31-Oct-1915 209
Emmanuel Swedenborg A message of encouragement.   210
Emmanuel Swedenborg Did not know of the Divine Love as contradistinguished from the natural love. 8-Apr-1917 210
Luke Affirms that Swedenborg wrote. Importance of errors being corrected in his writings. 8-Apr-1917 211
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that Swedenborg wrote. 8-Apr-1917 212
Martin Luther Luther comments on Swedenborgian pamphlet entitled “Incarnate God” 28-Feb-1917 212
Chauncey Giles Chauncey Giles changes his belief about Jesus being God. 28-Feb-1917 215
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that Luther wrote on “Incarnate God.” 28-Feb-1917 216
John How and when God answers prayer. Laws of Rapport and Communication. 2-Nov-1917 216
John Laws of rapport, continued. 4-Jan-1918 219
John Laws of rapport and communication, continued. 22-Oct-1918 224
Jesus The result of obtaining the Divine Love in removing worry. Prayer is a wonderful help when offered with the true longings of the soul and will always find a response. 9-Jul-1917 226
Helen Padgett Helen comments on prayer to remove worry. 9-Jul-1917 227
John Why should men learn that they are not to be left to themselves in their conception of what life means, and what its importance is in the economy of man’s creation and destiny. 2-Jul-1916 228
Jesus The Divine Truth must be declared to all mankind. 2-May-1920 229
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that Jesus wrote. 2-May-1920 231
John What Is the Holy Spirit and how It works. 14-Jun-1917 231
Jesus Jesus: comment on a preacher, individualization and incarnation of the soul. 21-Mar-1920 232
Dr. Channing. Dr. Channing: Comments by a Minister. 21-Mar-1920 236
Helen Padgett Man himself must make the effort to overcome the influence of the evil ones. 4-Dec-1917 236
Grace Stanhope A mother gives her experience after passing over, due to giving birth to her baby. 21-Dec-1917 237
Luke “The sins of the parents are visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generations.” 9-Apr-1916 238
Luke Luke makes some corrections in the previous message. 10-Apr-1916 242
Judas Why Judas betrayed Jesus. 23-Aug-1915 243
Judas The greatest sin is against the Holy Spirit that conveys the Divine Love into the soul. 21-Oct-1916 243
Helen Padgett Helen corroborating that Judas wrote on the unpardonable sin. 21-Oct-1916 245
John It was not ordained by God that Judas should betray Jesus; Judas was not a bad man. 15-Aug-1915 245
John Many things in the Bible John says he never wrote. John was mistaken about the kind of kingdom that Jesus came to establish. 2-Mar-1918 247
Saul Saul’s testimony - Many laws of the O.T. came to him by tradition. 7-Apr-1916 248
Jesus Jesus gives advice to Mr. Padgett and is anxious for him to get into condition of soul so that Jesus can continue his messages to mankind. 14-Feb-1920 249
Jesus Incarnate soul, by Jesus. 15-Feb-1920 250
Luke Incarnation of the soul - Mystery of the birth of the soul in the human being. 13-Jan-1916 253
Samuel Incarnation of the Soul. 17-Jan-1916 255
Jesus Jesus refers to the prophecy in the Bible (Matt. 24) 20-May-1918 257
Helen Padgett Helen - Confirmation that Jesus wrote. 20-May-1918 258
Aaron Aaron gives his experience and what he now knows about immortality since Jesus came and taught how it can be obtained. 23-Oct-1915 259
Sarah Sarah is now a Christian. 23-Oct-1915 260
Helen Helen’s experience of joy and grandeur in the Third Celestial Sphere. 28-Dec-1915 261
Jesus Jesus refers to Mr. Padgett’s wife’s description of the third Celestial Sphere. The importance of man seeking for the Divine Love. 28-Dec-1915 262
Jesus Jesus - Mr. Padgett’s soul condition. Gives encouragement to continue in prayer for the Divine Love. 6-Jan-1918 263
Elizabeth Elizabeth, cousin of Mary, mother of Jesus. The work that Mr. Padgett is doing, which is the real second coming of Jesus. 6-Jan-1918 265
Helen Padgett Confirmation that Jesus and Elizabeth wrote the preceding messages. 6-Jan-1918 265
Luke What is necessary for a man to do to recover the purity of soul and love that was possessed by the first parents. Doctrine of original sin is a mocking, damnable lie. 27-Apr-1917 266
John Important that man must search and find the truth. 12-May-1916 269
Saul God is not the God of any race but of the individual. 31-Jan-1917 271
Ann Rollins The necessity of obtaining the Divine Love.Those who refuse this Great Gift after the privilege of obtaining it is withdrawn will suffer the “second death”. 1-Jun-1916 273
Helen Padgett Helen on Ann Rollin’s message. 1-Jun-1916 275
Nero Nero - tells of his experience in the hells and his soulmate’s help. 16-Jan-1917 275
Ann Rollins Mr. Padgett’s grandmother encourages Mr. Padgett to press forward to the goal. Refers to the great love of Jesus and that he is still praying for more. 12-Jan-1918 279
Helen Padgett A short note by Helen.   280
G.H.Butler A spirit describes his experience in one of the hells. 5-Jan-1916 280
Helen Confirmation that the spirits who have written actually did so. 5-Jan-1916 283
Emmanuel Swedenborg Swedenborg writes on the hells. 17-Dec-1915 283
John Calvin John Calvin interested in the work and the means whereby all men may receive the Divine Love. 20-Jun-1916 285
Soloman Solomon writes of Mr. Padgett’s selection by Jesus. 1-Oct-1915 286
John Layton All that the spirits wrote about the magnificent power and glory of the Master is true. The revelation makes an epoch in the spirit world. 1-Oct-1915 287
Saleeba Saleeba comments on the glory of Jesus as she saw him the other night. 1-Oct-1915 288
White Eagle Astonished at the wonderful glory of the Master - Spirits were awed by the brightness and magnificence of his presence. 1-Oct-1915 288
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that Solomon wrote through Mr. Padgett. 1-Oct-1915 289
Jesus How the Divine Love enters into the soul of man. 23-Mar-1916 289
Jesus Jesus continues preceding message on “how the Divine Love enters into the soul of a human being.” 8-May-1916 293
Lazarus Lazarus affirms that Mr. Padgett is selected by Jesus to do the work. 21-Sep-1916 296
John Portraits of Jesus. Only the Father can fill the soul with the Divine Love. 3-Jun-1917 297
Helen Padgett Helen comments on John’s message on the portraits of Jesus. 3-Jun-1917 300
Elias The hope that all mortals have in a future destiny of freedom from care and unhappiness. 13-Dec-1916 301
Samuel What causes the souls of men the unrest that now exists in the world? 13-Dec-1916 302
Hugh Latimer Hugh Latimer in the Celestial Heavens. His beliefs when on earth. Jesus came and told him he was not God. 13-Aug-1915 303
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins - Description of some of the spheres. 22-Dec-1915 304
Samuel Continuous life of a man after the death of the body as shown by the manifestations of nature is not conclusive. 21-Mar-1916 306
Samuel Previous message on the continuity of life continued. 30-Mar-1916 308
Abraham Lincoln How man can come into harmony with the laws that govern him as the created man, without obtaining the Divine Love. 13-Mar-1919 312
Helen Padgett Helen comments on Abraham Lincoln’s message on man’s progress in his natural love. 13-Mar-1919 314
John How prayers are answered for material things. The miracle of the loaves and fishes never happened. 25-Apr-1917 314
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that John wrote, and comments on prayer for material things. 25-Apr-1917 317
Paul St. Paul’s comments on the preacher’s beliefs. Perfection is a relative term. 31-Aug-1915 317
Jesus Jesus attended the church service with Mr. Padgett and commented on the people’s belief. 31-Aug-1915 319
Stephen What is the meaning of the Divine nature which the soul of man partakes of upon the transformation of that soul by the inflowing and possession of the Divine Love. 13-Nov-1918 320
Helen Padgett Helen - affirming that St. Stephen wrote on the meaning of the Divine Love, etc. 13-Nov-1918 322
Luke St. Luke, on the teachings of New Thought and explains the erroneous beliefs of same. 19-Mar-1919 322
Jesus Jesus on “New Thought”. The importance of mankind knowing the truth of the New Birth. 15-Jun-1919 326
Helen Padgett Helen comments on the preacher’s sermon on New Thought. 11-May-1919 327
John Men or prophets cannot tell what will happen centuries ahead - it can only be known by the Father. 10-Mar-1918 328
Jesus Jesus explains the necessary conditions required so that the higher spirits can help those in lower spheres. 8-May-1917 329
Helen Padgett Helen comments on Jesus’ message on Mr. Padgett’s work among the dark spirits. 8-May-1917 332
Prof Salyards The object of man’s life on earth and the necessity of doing certain things whereby man can become perfect man - but not the Divine man. 15-Mar-1916 332
Paul St. Paul wants to write what he now knows to be the truth. And also correct errors in his epistles as contained in the Bible. 30-Aug-1915 335
Ross Perry When the Divine Love comes into the soul, the lesser Law of Compensation is removed from the scope of its working. 27-Apr-1918 336
John Truth, knowledge and love. How to solve the problem of what is true and what is not. 7-Apr-1916 337
Elameros Spirit who heard Jesus’ teachings when he was on earth. 22-Jan-1917 339
Helen Padgett Helen comments on the message of the ancient Greek. 22-Jan-1917 340
Jesus There is nothing in existence or in the knowledge of man comparable to the Bible - except the truths that Jesus and the Celestial spirits have written through Mr. Padgett. (Duplicate of a message on Vol III pg 305) 23-Feb-1918 340
Helen Padgett Helen is glad about Mr. Padgett’s better soul condition. (Duplicate of a message in Vol III pg 307) 23-Feb-1918 342
Daniel Webster Daniel Webster affirms that Jesus and spirits of the higher spheres are revealing the great truths of the Father through Mr. Padgett. 9-Dec-1915 342
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that Celestial Spirits wrote. 10-Aug-1915 343
Luke Religion is the relationship and harmony of men’s souls with the Soul of God. Difference in the results of the teachings of the various churches. 25-Apr-1918 344
John Yorking John Yorking - disciple of Jesus. His knowledge of the true teachings of Jesus when on earth. 19-Feb-1916 346
Helen Padgett Helen comments on the preceding spirit. 19-Feb-1916 348
James James - The frailties of the human mind and moral qualities. 24-May-1917 348
Helen Padgett Helen - Affirming that James wrote on the frailties of the human mind and moral qualities. 24-May-1917 350
James James - How man can again be restored to the perfect man, like the first parents before their fall. 8-Mar-1917 350
Helen Padgett Helen expresses James’ disappointment. 8-Mar-1917 352
Paul Paul - What is the real body that is resurrected at the time of the physical death. 4-Oct-1916 352
Paul Paul - continued from preceding message. 5-Oct-1916 354
Jesus Jesus refers to Mr Padgett’s mediumship and denies reincarnation. 13-Jun-1916 355
Lamlestia Lamlestia (an ancient spirit) discusses reincarnation and theosophy. 17-Dec-1916 355
Helen Padgett A short note from Helen Padgett. 17-Dec-1916 359
Saelish Saelish - No such thing as reincarnation. 3-Nov-1915 359
Jesus What is the correct way in which a man should live the life on earth, in order to receive the cleansing from his sins, so that he can acquire the purification of his natural love. 11-Jun-1916 362
Helen Padgett Helen comments on the lack of rapport. 11-Jun-1916 363
Jesus How a mortal may obtain the development of his soul without the help of the Divine Love. 17-Jun-1916 363
Martin Luther A short message by Martin Luther. 17-Jun-1916 367
Helen Padgett A short message by Helen. 17-Jun-1916 367
Luke The development of the soul in its natural love, wherein the New Birth is not experienced. 3-Feb-1916 367
Luke The development of the soul in its natural love - continued. 16-Feb-1916 371
Jesus The truths may be understood by the simple - Does not require a highly developed mind. 3-Aug-1915 374
Luke What the Celestial Spirits think about war. 17-Feb-1917 374
Jesus Jesus heard the speaker’s discourse on “Drama of St. Paul.” 5-Dec-1915 377
Paul St. Paul’s comments on the preacher’s sermon, “The Drama of St Paul.” His experience when on earth. 5-Dec-1915 379
Samuel Samuel - Describes the Celestial Heavens. 17-Aug-1915 380
St Jerome St. Jerome - The truths of God must not be sought for in his writings or those of the disciples as contained in the Bible, because of many errors therein. 17-Aug-1915 382
John John -The truth as to the Hells. 19-Dec-1915 382
John No one will suffer in hell for eternity - all will progress. 19-Nov-1916 383
John What is the destiny of the mortal who has not experienced the New Birth, but will progress to that condition which may be called the perfect man. 23-Sep-1916 383
John John - Continued from preceding message. 30-Sep-1916 387
Cornelius A short message from Cornelius. (Duplicate of a message in Vol I pg 275.) 7-Feb-1917 388
Samuel Happiness and peace that passeth all understanding comes to the possessor of the Divine Love. (Duplicate of a message in Vol I pg 241.) 10-Sep-1916 389
Jesus The prayer given by Jesus as the only prayer…. (Also published in Vol I pg 40.) 2-Dec-1916 390

Volume III