True Gospel Revealed Anew By Jesus. Volume 3

This is an index of this publication, which is published by the Foundation Church of the New Birth, Inc. P.O. Box 6, Williamsville, NY 14231. This was first published in 1969. This is in the physical order of the book (page number sequence). A new print version is available with different page numbers. The same publication is available in various download formats.

Author Contents Date of Message Page
Rev John Paul Gibson Forward.   I
James Padgett Mr. Padgett passed into the spirit world on March 17th, 1923; this first message was received through Eugene Morgan four days later. And the second message followed about a month later. 21-Mar-1923 IV
James Padgett The next important message that was received by Eugene Morgan from Mr. Padgett was about two years later on July 1st, 1925. 1-Jul-1925 V
Wumas Wumas, a dark spirit, was helped by Eugene Morgan to see the light. 1-Jul-1925 VI
Leslie Stone. Introduction   VII
Mrs Padgett Mr. Padgett’s mother says that his father has found his soulmate and tells of his spiritual progression. 20-Dec-1914 1
White Eagle White Eagle discusses the health of Mr. Padgett that he is constantly watching. 28-Aug-1915 2
Jesus First effort by Jesus to deliver a message. But Mr. Padgett was not in condition to receive it completely. 17-Dec-1914 2
Ann Rollins Mr. Padgett’s grandmother confirms that it was Jesus who just wrote and reassures him of the great love that Jesus had for him. 17-Dec-1914 3
Helen Padgett Helen advises Mr. Padgett to give all his thoughts to God and to His Love and he will soon realize that only His Love is necessary to become a very spiritual man. 27-Dec-1914 4
A.G.Riddle Mr. Padgett advised his old friend and law partner on how to obtain the Love of the Father in a previous communication, which he is trying to do and advises him of the fact. 27-Dec-1914 6
Helen Padgett Christmas night, Helen writes for Mr. Padgett to be true to God and to himself and that he need not care what the future may bring. 25-Dec-1914 9
Helen Padgett An early personal message from Helen to love her more with all his heart as she loves him, and advises him to be careful as to where he attends seances. 5-Dec-1914 10
John Padgett Mr. Padgett’s father tells of soulmate records. 31-Dec-1914 13
Helen Padgett Helen confirms the effort made by Mr. Padgett to bring his two friends now in the spirit world to the Light of the Father. 31-Dec-1914 18
Bright Star Mr. Padgett met Bright Star at a seance and is now helping her to progress spiritually and she says that automatic writing is superior to independent voice seances. 29-Dec-1914 18
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett wrote that she is studying spiritual laws and learned that a spirit can only communicate with mortals when they are in rapport, and that the same law applies to mortals. and that her home is in the Third Sphere. 29-Dec-1914 20
Jesus Jesus is anxious to explain the truth and correct the untruth as it is known.   23
Jesus Jesus writes that he is truly the man who was crucified on calvary, that comes to him and writes. And that Mr. Padgett is doing the greatest work that God has given to any of his creatures to do (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 43) 3-Apr-1915 24
Helen Padgett Helen is happy that the Master explained the lost soul meaning to Mr. Padgett and that he should be happy to have Jesus as a friend. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 44) 3-Apr-1915 25
Helen Padgett Helen writes about her progress from the Third Sphere to the Fifth Sphere. 7-Jan-1915 26
Helen Padgett Helen writes about the sudden passing of a friend and how she tried to convince her that she could not reenter her body, which was similar to her own experience. 27-Jan-1915 29
Vespasian Vespasian, Roman Emperor, gives his experience. Why he learned English. 22-Jul-1915 31
Hannah Somerville A spirit who believed in the eternal punishment of those who denied the vicarious atonement of Jesus. 16-Jan-1916 32
Semiramis Semiramis: Once a pagan and now a Christian. 2-Nov-1915 33
Sebastobel An ancient spirit decides to search for the Divine Love, which he learns is the cause of the beauty and brightness of Helen Padgett, a Celestial Spirit. 24-Sep-1915 34
Helen Padgett Helen relates about her early spiritual development to the Third Sphere with the help of Mr. Padgett. 16-Nov-1914 36
John Padgett John H. Padgett (father) agrees with the suggestion made to form a band to protect his son in his spiritual investigation through automatic writings. 31-May-1914 36
Helen Padgett First preserved message from Mr. Padgett’s wife Helen: Who says that she looks on Jesus as a man of God, but not as God Himself. Also informs him regarding his parents and grandparents. 31-May-1914 37
Helen Padgett Helen, reassures Mr. Padgett that it was truly Jesus who wrote Saturday night. And for Mr. Colburn to also believe. 14-Sept-1914 39
John Padgett Mr. Padgett’s father reassures him that it was Jesus who wrote on Saturday. 14-Sept-1914 40
Ann Rollins Mr. Padgett’s grandmother, a Celestial Spirit, also reassures him that it was truly Jesus of the Scriptures that spoke and wrote to him on Saturday. 14-Sept-1914 41
Jesus An early message from Jesus to enable Mr. Padgett to get into a spiritual condition before the important Truths were written. 5-Oct-1914 42
Jesus Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life for all mankind to believe in. 13-Jan-1915 43
Jesus Here the Master, in his first writing, tells who he really was. (Duplicate of message in Vol I pg 366) 28-Sept-1914 45
Ann Rollins Grandmother of Mr. Padgett writes that the New Birth is the flowing of the Spirit of God into the soul and the disappearing of all that tends to turn the heart from the Truth and Love of God. 15-Sept-1914 46
Ann Padgett Mr. Padgett’s mother talks about her soulmate and the love that she has for her son. 15-Sept-1914 46
Ann Rollins Grandmother of Mr. Padgett in an early message describes her home in the 7th. Sphere. 28-Sept-1914 47
Bright Star Mr. Padgett asked questions of the spirit writers and in this early one the question asked is written in his conversation with Bright Star. 24-Sept-1914 48
Helen Padgett In the beginning of his work in behalf of the Kingdom Mr. Padgett received this message from his grandmother (Ann Rollins) through his wife Helen to encourage him to pray to the Father more sincerely and not Jesus as he once believed. 8-Nov-1914 49
Helen Padgett In an early message Helen wrote that Mr. Padgett was too much taken up with his business matters and does not devote enough time to prayer to the Father to receive the gift of the spirit. 3-Nov-1914 50
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins answers many questions for him on the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father. 11-Nov-1914 51
Thomas Padgett Thomas Padgett, a grand uncle, wants to assure Mr. Padgett that important spirits actually write. 14-Nov-1914 54
Ann Padgett Mother of Mr. Padgett says that Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy sees the error in her teachings and is living in the same sphere with her. 5-Dec-1914 54
Ann Rollins Grandmother (Ann Rollins) says that the Father’s Love for Mr. Padgett will help him in his material problems. 5-Dec-1914 55
Helen Padgett Helen locates Mr. Padgett’s father’s soulmate that is very lovely and a Celestial Spirit.   56
Helen Padgett Mr. Padgett spent the day with his friends, Judge Syrick and Col. Woods, and Helen writes that they both believe in spiritualism. 20-Dec-1914 57
Jesus Jesus says, that it is that degree of belief that enables you to know a Truth. 26-Mar-1915 61
Jesus Jesus admits that his power is limited in some things and does not always know the answer without going to the Father, the Source of all knowledge. 24-Mar-1915 61
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins writes that the Master is so close to Mr. Padgett to make him feel like a true brother. 24-Mar-1915 63
Helen Padgett Helen writes that she is happy that the Master wrote and he was so loving and brotherly. 24-Mar-1915 64
Jesus Jesus comments on a book that Mr. Padgett was reading about fallen angels, which some churches believe in. 2-Jan-1916 66
Jesus Jesus assures Mr. Padgett that when the messages that he is now receiving will be printed that they will be accepted. 28-Dec-1915 68
Jesus When Mr. Padgett’s soul development was sufficient to permit Jesus to write, the following informative message was received. (Duplicate of a message in Vol I pg 317) 24-Jan-1915 69
Jesus Mr. Padgett received the second formal message from Jesus only a few days after, on his Father’s Nature as my God and your God. 31-Jan-1915 71
Ann Rollins A message from Ann Rollins. 31-Jan-1915 73
Jesus Jesus - On the love of man. (Duplicate of message in Vol II pg 21) 4-Mar-1915 74
Jesus Jesus explains that coming to Mr. Padgett as he does is not contrary to any law of the spirit world. (Duplicate of message in Vol II pg 49) 9-Apr-1915 76
Jesus Jesus is amazed at the power that Mr. Padgett has with the dark spirits and approves of his work in this respect. 7-Apr-1915 77
Jesus Jesus is pleased with Mr. Padgett’s declaration, and will help him to become at-one with the Father. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 46) 6-Apr-1915 78
Jesus Jesus advises Mr. Padgett to give more time to prayer and that the Father’s Love is coming into his soul. 12-Apr-1915 79
Prof Salyards Professor Salyards writes about the great work that Mr. Padgett is doing and will help him also. 12-Apr-1915 79
Helen Padgett Helen says, that as her love increases for the Father so also her love increases for him as well. 12-Apr-1915 80
Jesus Jesus will cause Mr. Padgett to feel the Great Love of the Father for him. 25-Nov-1915 82
Jesus Jesus relates the importance of getting the New Birth in order to become Immortal. 23-Aug-1915 83
Jesus Jesus tells Mr. Padgett that he will reveal the Truths of the Father which is now timely to do so, and was not as a result of any previous instruments or writers. 24-Aug-1915 83
Gomeses Greek who lived in the time of Christ. Is now a Celestial Spirit. 10-Oct-1915 84
Jesus Jesus writes about a visit by Mr. Padgett to spiritualist medium and advises him to help her to discover the Divine Love of the Father that is now justly due her since she has been seeking the greater Love since early Childhood. 30-Mar-1919 85
St Sebastian St. Sebastian interested in the work of the Master through Mr. Padgett. 22-Jul-1915 87
Jesus Jesus affirms that Mr. Padgett is now receiving the Divine Love of the Father in more abundance. 5-Jan-1916 88
Jesus Jesus was very much interested in the way that Mr. Padgett helped to prevent two suicides by instructing them on the consequences of such an act. 8-Nov-1915 88
Jayemas Jayemas, teacher of arts and sciences, writes about his lost continent of Atlantis and the high intellect that it possessed. 7-Oct-1915 89
Jesus Jesus says: The preacher was limited in describing one of the Attributes of God, and that is the Loving Care that He has for His children. 19-Sep-1920 89
Jesus Jesus wanted Mr. Padgett and Dr. Stone to know that he was present during their discussion of spiritual things. 19-Jul-1920 90
White Eagle White Eagle under Jesus’ direction helped to correct Mr. Padgett’s digestive organs, as a result of his prayer to the Father for help. 15-Feb-1915 92
St Stephen St. Stephen writes about Jesus as Head of the Church in the Celestial Heavens. And confirms that Paul wrote on the resurrection. 17-Jan-1916 92
Helen Padgett Helen has written that Jesus is not very happy during the Christmas holidays 25-Dec-1914 93
Bright Star Bright Star became a friend as a result of a séance that Mr. Padgett attended. 30-Mar-1916 94
Helen Padgett A beautiful love letter from Helen, telling about one love (soulmate love) that is in store for them as they both seek the Divine Love of the Father. 22-Feb-1915 94
John Padgett Father of Mr. Padgett has been selected by the Higher Powers to be the guardian angel of his son as long as he may live on earth as a mortal. 17-Mar-1915 96
Helen Padgett Helen writes that the Master is with Mr. Padgett a great deal and even prays with him at night. 15-Apr-1917 97
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins tells about the errors in the book that he was reading about hells. 8-Jan-1915 98
Herod Herod writes on the hells. Corroborates Swedenborg’s message on the hells. 18-Dec-1915 100
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett confirms that Herod wrote on the hells. 18-Dec-1915 101
John John -The truth as to the Hells. (Duplicate of message on page 382, Vol II) 18-Dec-1915 101
Jesus Man was given the possibility of becoming in his nature Divine like the Father. But this gift was never possessed by him, until my coming to earth, and making known such a possibility. (Duplicate of message in Vol II pg 134) 15-Mar-1916 102
Cornelius Cornelius tells of the great spiritual audiences that attend the writings received by Mr. Padgett and listen to what is said. 3-Dec-1916 103
Cornelius Cornelius, the centurion of the Bible and the first gentile Christian. Now in the Celestial Heavens. 12-Sep-1916 103
Jesus Jesus explains the phrase: He that liveth and believeth on me shall never die. (This is a copy, but has a different final paragraph, of Vol I pg 208.) 15-Aug-1915 104
Jesus Jesus urges Mr. Padgett to believe in him and trust the Father that he will not be forsaken or left alone. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 202) 14-Dec-1915 105
Ann Rollins Grandmother of Mr. Padgett says that the Master had a great love for him. 23-Mar-1915 106
Helen Padgett Helen writes that she has progressed into the Celestial Heavens within one year after leaving the material plane. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 28) 23-Mar-1915 106
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins tells of her spiritual progression from the First Celestial Sphere to the Second Celestial Sphere. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 60) 27-Apr-1915 107
Ann Rollins Grandmother (Ann Rollins) gives reasons why so many of the higher spirits wrote on Divine Love. 6-Aug-1915 108
Helen Padgett Helen tells of her love for Mr. Padgett.   109
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins answers Mr. Padgett’s question on baptism. 9-Sept-1915 109
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins writes about the unpardonable sin that is of the greatest importance. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 206) 1-Nov-1915 110
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins again writes on the Kingdom of Jesus being closed to all those that do not receive the Divine Love of the Father. 15-Jan-1915 111
Ann Rollins Mr. Padgett’s grandmother writes on the importance of knowing the Way to the Celestial Heavens. (Duplicate of message in Vol I, pg 343) 12-Mar-1919 113
John Padgett Mr. Padgett’s father informs him that his soul is developing very rapidly. 10-Jan-1915 114
John Padgett Mr. Padgett’s father writes about the infidels first realization when they come into the spirit world that there must be a God. (Duplicate of a message in Vol I pg 69.) 25-Feb-1916 115
John Padgett Mr. Padgett’s father is one of his guardian angels that is protecting him from undesirable spirits and is now a Celestial Spirit, living with his soulmate. 13-Mar-1917 115
Helen Padgett Helen describes the various writers that wrote on this night and the help that each is given and her work in locating soulmates. 18-Mar-1917 116
Arbelee Father in spirit writes to his sick son, Dr. Arbelee, regarding his life in the spirit world. 24-Apr-1919 117
Helen Padgett Helen affirms that the father of Dr. Arbelee wrote to him, giving advice. 24-Apr-1919 120
Helen Padgett Helen has progressed into the Third Celestial Sphere and says that there are no words to describe its beauty. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 261) 28-Dec-1915 120
Helen Padgett Helen tells Mr. Padgett about her new beautiful garment as a result of her spiritual advancement. 22-Dec-1915 121
Judge Syrick Judge Syrick confirms Helen’s beauty. 22-Dec-1915 122
Helen Padgett Helen writes that she was impressed with what Mr. Padgett said to Dr. Stone about the Love of God flowing into the heart; also locates Judge Syrick’s Soulmate. 9-Jan-1915 122
St Chrysostom St. Chrysostom, gives his testimony on the errors of the church in not knowing about Divine Love. 22-Jul-1915 125
St Chrysostom Saint Chrysostom wishes to be included in book since he is also helping Mr. Padgett in his work. 8-Nov-1915 126
Descartes A French philosopher who rejects the idea of Divine Love and places his faith in reason and intellectual development. 20-Nov-1916 126
Comte A French philosopher that is not interested in the Divine Love of the Father, but is willing to put his faith in reason and investigations. 1-Feb-1918 128
Helen Padgett Helen comments on spirit who wrote and went with Prof. Salyards. 1-Feb-1918 130
Hortense Hortense, stepdaughter of Napoleon, now knows the Way to the Celestial Heavens. 27-Oct-1915 131
Saint Gregory - the great Pope A former Pope of the early days of Catholicism has now reached the Celestial Spheres; stresses the importance of soul religion. 7-Nov-1915 132
Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant has had his spiritual eyes opened and is seeking the Father’s Divine Love. 19-Oct-1915 133
Wm.T. Sherman Wm. T. Sherman is the same as he was on earth; but seeing his former friends so changed by the Divine Love causes him to go with Mr. Riddle to learn the reason. 19-Oct-1915 134
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett is grateful that through Mr. Padgett the two Generals were able to find out about the Divine Love. 19-Oct-1915 135
Gladstone Was Premier of Great Britain. Has deep feelings of horror at the war that is raging. 6-Nov-1916 136
St George Confirms the Master communicating through Mr. Padgett. 22-Jul-1915 137
Jas Garfield James A. Garfield has been seeking truth with his mind. Mr. Padgett tells him about seeking truth with his soul. 22-Mar-1915 137
Riddle Mr. Riddle comments on Mr. Garfield’s writing, and his own progress. 22-Mar-1915 139
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett confirms that Garfield wrote. 22-Mar-1915 139
Galileo Galileo writes of his studies of the material universe. 21-Jan-1916 140
Sam Ford Sam Ford: How the spirits progress in knowledge of the Truths. 28-Aug-1917 140
Helen Padgett A message from Helen Padgett. 26-Apr-1917 141
John Calhoun John C. Calhoun: Still working for his country. 25-Feb-1917 142
Julius Caesar Caesar gives his experiences after receiving help from a Divine Spirit. 1-May-1917 143
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett confirms that Julius Caesar wrote. 1-May-1917 145
Julius Caesar Caesar is seeking for the Divine Love. Light is breaking into his soul. 13-Dec-1916 146
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar writes that earthly position does not determine one’s spiritual abode. 16-Sep-1915 148
Helen Padgett Helen Padgett confirms that Julius Caesar wrote. 16-Sep-1915 148
Grover Cleveland Writer expresses gratitude to Mr. Padgett. 12-Apr-1917 149
Grover Cleveland Grover Cleveland comes to Mr. Padgett for help. 13-Aug-1915 151
Alice A cousin of Mr. Padgett writes of her happiness in the Third Sphere. 16-May-1916 152
Francis Bacon The limitations which mortal man places upon his perception of the laws governing the universe. 6-Jan-1919 153
Francis Bacon Comments on an article written by James Hyslop on Christianity and Spiritualism regarding laws which operated in certain miracles of Jesus. 20-Nov-1918 156
Anaxylabis The designer of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, in Egypt. 22-Jul-1915 157
Leander Albright A spirit who has received the Divine Love writes of his efforts to awaken other spirits to the true religion. 01-Nov-1916 158
Jay Hudson The Truths that an author has learned since passing into the spirit life. 26-Dec-1918 159
Ann Padgett Mr. Padgett’s mother, a Celestial Spirit, wants to assure Mr. Padgett that they are really the spirits they represent themselves to be and do not doubt them. 13-Feb-1917 160
Helen Padgett Helen is sorry that she cannot permit an old friend of Mr. Padgett to write but is happy with Jesus letter to him and that of his mother. 13-Feb-1917 160
Jesus Jesus had all his disciples and apostles and those called saints attend his writings to convince Mr. Padgett that he really selected him to do his work on earth. 22-Jul-1915 161
Jesus Jesus advises Mr. Padgett to take his daughter to a séance to prove to her that there is truth in spiritualism. 7-May-1916 162
Helen Padgett Helen writes that as his soulmate, her love for him is greater than for her children, who will not need her in the great future of eternity.   163
Helen Padgett Helen explains the sabbath and for Mr. Padgett not to take the pamphlet he was reading seriously, that is an Adventist belief. 19-Nov-1915 164
Helen Padgett Helen comments on the book that Mr. Padgett was reading (The Great Controversy) says the author regrets its contents. 14-Jan-1917 165
Helen Padgett Helen explains that the book that he was reading (Pastor Russell On Spiritualism) did not have a good influence on him. 1-Jan-1916 166
Pastor Russel Pastor Russell writes about his passing into the spirit world. 6-Nov-1916 167
Helen Padgett Helen enlightens Mr. Padgett on the closeness of spirit and mortals during the earth holiday festivities, which Jesus does not participate in. 24-Dec-1918 167
Mrs Mitchell Mother of Rev. Mitchell is very happy that her son is preaching the Truth of God’s Love. 29-July-1917 169
Helen Padgett Helen confirms that the preacher’s mother was very happy because her son will put away his dogmatic beliefs. 29-July-1917 169
Francis Bacon Francis Bacon explains the difference between the spiritual and material elements. 1-Dec-1918 170
Helen Padgett Helen confirms that Francis Bacon wrote on the subject of the spiritual and material elements which are purely scientific. 1-Dec-1918 171
Helen Padgett Helen explains the sudden passing of their daughter, Nita, as a result of a serious operation, and the great progress she is making in the spirit world. 20-Jun-1918 172
Jesus Jesus comforts Mr. Padgett regarding his daughter’s sudden passing into the spirit world and the love that now exists between them, and the greater love of his soulmate wife. 8-Jul-1918 174
Helen Padgett Helen Wants Mr. Padgett to know that “Baby”, their daughter that just passed into the spirit world is with her and sends her love to him. 8-Jul-1918 175
Nita First communication from Mr. Padgett’s daughter, Nita, that is also known by Baby, tells of her progress to the Third Sphere. 14-Oct-1918 176
Helen Padgett Helen explains that the power of communication can be shut off by the instrument as Mr. Padgett did for a while to even prevent his closest love tie to write. Explains the progress that is being made by their daughter, Nita, now in the spirit world. 14-Oct-1918 177
Nita Mr. Padgett’s daughter, Nita’s second writing could not be the long letter that she wanted to write to tell of her experience in passing into the spirit world, but happy to wait for a better time. 29-Dec-1918. 178
Helen Padgett Helen confirms their daughter’s “Nita’s” progress and the Truth of Jesus’ second coming on earth. 29-Dec-1918 178
Helen Padgett Helen wishes for Mr. Padgett to be ready to receive the Master’s message and that she will write on soulmates. 12-Jan-1919 179
Nita Nita describes her experiences in passing into the spirit world. 25-May-1920 180
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett is very happy that her daughter Nita was able to write the way she did to disclose her happiness and spiritual progress. 25-May-1920 182
Jesus Jesus writes on faith and glory of the Father. 18-May-1915 182
Paul Paul writes about the resurrection of the body. (Duplicate of a message in Vol II pg 354) 5-Oct-1916 183
Luke Luke discloses the names of the guides for Mr. Padgett, Mr. Morgan and Dr. Stone and that above each of them is Jesus. 5-Oct-1916 183
Helen Padgett Helen confirms that it was Luke who wrote. 5-Oct-1916 184
Luke St. Luke of the Bible never said that Jesus came to earth as the only begotten of the Father, which is not true. 17-Sept-1915 185
Helen Padgett Helen arranges for Mr. Padgett to see her in a vision with all her beauty and love that she has for her soulmate. 22-Feb-1918 186
Jesus Jesus says his blood does not save men. Only the Divine Love or New Birth that he taught saves and redeems. (Duplicate of message on page 187 Vol II) 19-Sep-1915 187
John Padgett Mr. Padgett’s father writes about his friends present spiritual condition and the suffering that he must undergo before he can begin to see the light. 11-Nov-1915 187
John Newman Methodist minister would like to tell his people on earth what he has learned to be the Truth about the soul. 9-Dec-1915 189
Anonymous Mr. Padgett helped spirits from all walks of life and the early Indian who asked for help was not denied to write. 6-Mar- 1916 190
John John reassures Mr. Padgett that all his material requirements and plans will be realized. 5-Jan-1917 190
Helen Padgett Helen writes that Mr. Padgett will receive great love and power to do the great work of the Master as well as other high spirits. 5-Jan-1917 192
John John explains the soulmate separations in the event that both do not obtain the Divine Love of the Father. 26-May-1916 192
Helen Padgett Helen responds to Mr. Padgett’s call to write.   193
John John: What does the spirit of man do when it leaves the physical body for eternity? (Duplicate of a message in Vol I pg 293) 29-May-1916 194
Helen Padgett Helen shared the happiness of Mr. Padgett today when his soul was so filled with the Love of the Father. 29-May-1916 196
John the Baptist John the Baptist strongly urges him to get in condition to receive the Celestial messages that are more important than the personal ones that he is receiving. 27-Sep-1917 197
John St. John explains that Jesus has already come the second time, which subject he will discuss at a later date. 29-Dec-1916 198
Helen Padgett Mrs. Padgett does not approve of Mr. Padgett’s idea to send messages to a man that would not appreciate it. 27-Dec-1915 198
Jesus Jesus does not think that that message could do harm and may do some good. 27-Dec-1915 199
Jesus Jesus is with Mr. Padgett often and prays with him to help his soul development to permit him to receive his writings. 18-Apr-1918 199
Ann Rollins Ann Rollins confirms what the Master said and encourages him in his work. 18-Apr-1918 200
Jesus Jesus’ help spiritually is without limit but the material depends on the individual himself. 12-Jan-1919 200
Jesus Jesus attended a church service with Mr. Padgett and tells of what the preacher should have said regarding the blood sacrifice. (Duplicate, with additional paragraphs in the beginning, of a message in Vol 2 pg 186) 6-May-1917 201
Helen Padgett Helen writes that although the Master was anxious to write tonight, He was not displeased with him. 5-Feb-1916 202
Frank Davis Mr. Padgett’s boyhood chum expresses his gratitude for the help given to him.   202
Samuel Samuel expresses his love for Mr. Padgett and the work that he is doing in behalf of the Kingdom. 1-May-1917 203
Jesus That the only part of man that is immortal is the soul, the spirit is merely the active energies that manifest life and these energies for their existence depend upon the soul from which they emanate. 26-Aug-1916 203
Jesus Jesus says: There are very often spirits present who listen to those on earth when they read spiritual truths. 15-Aug-1916 204
Jesus Due to Mr. Padgett’s heavy schedule with the dark spirits that even Jesus had to make definite appointments to fit into his schedule. 23-Oct-1916 204
Helen Padgett Helen tells Mr. Padgett that he has the power to prevent the dark spirits from writing as Jesus has just written. 23-Oct-1916 205
Jesus Jesus says that the world is becoming more spiritual and requires spiritual food, and that war causes people to think more of the hereafter. 16-Dec-1917 206
Jesus Jesus is anxious to explain the truth and correct the untruth as it is known. (Duplicate of message on page 23 Vol III)   207
Jesus Jesus explains the difference in the work of Mr. Morgan and Dr. Stone and the importance of each, but his revelations can only be made through Mr. Padgett. 1-Jun-1920 207
Seligman Seligman, a Mohammedan, never knew or heard of Divine Love with all his many years in the spirit world until Mr. Padgett informed him and helped him to seek and obtain It. Says his prophet never taught us about Divine Love. 6-Mar-1916 209
Frederick Frederick the father, agrees with what Bismarck has said about freedom of the German people from one man rule and that the end is very soon. 22-Jan-1918 210
Helen Padgett Helen comments on St. John not being able to finish his message and the two German writers’ predictions on ending the war. 22-Jan-1918 211
Stainton Moses Stainton Moses, the medium whose book Mr. Padgett was reading, explains why his book “Spirit Teachings” did not contain the Truth of the “New Birth” as taught by Jesus. 14-Sep-1918 211

Index Continued